BITNATION - World's First Decentralized Borderless Voluntary Nation

Hello guys. for this meeting I will inform you a very good platform. the platform is BITNATION. For more details let's see this explanation from me. For centuries the utopia changed depending on the dominant religion, region, economic doctrine and imagination of different authors who wrote about it. I think that utopia is an unattainable goal, but humans must always have it in their minds and try to organize their society accordingly. In fact they will never achieve it; Man can make the world a better place just by dreaming of it. A movement I am writing today is to follow those steps and create the closest thing a utopia might do to this human development moment. The name of the movement is Bitnation, and they change the world with their Pangea Project. Bitnation movement begins in 2014 as the first decentralized, decentralized voluntary state and has attracted tens of thousands of its members to join and become a Bitnasi citizen. The main idea behind Bitnatio...