MARK.SPACE - Internet Virtual Tour Based On Blockchain

MARK.SPACE is an eco-system allowing users from all over the world to communicate with each other in a social and economic way, create new content, consume goods and services from the platform’s other users. This project combines ideas with the most progressive technologies, such as VR/AR (virtual reality/augmented reality), blockchain and smart contracts.
MARK.SPACE is an open source platform for creation of 3D/VR spaces and objects of any purpose, as well as their quick launch and integration into a unique ecosystem. The platform is maintained by a crypto economy and is powered by the Blockchain. MARK.SPACE supports all internet browsers (preferably Chrome) and, at the same time, is compatible with CardBoard, Oculus and HTC Vive. A desktop PC is all that is needed to create a state-of-the-art VR store, office, community or other space for either business or entertainment. The MARK.SPACE universe is made up of a great amount of VR spaces (units), where each unit can be linked directly to its own top-level domain. The private property of units is guaranteed by recording all transactions with units (to create, sell or rent) on the blockchain. All unit owners may buy, sell and/or rent their units to others through use of smart contracts. MARK.SPACE has its own MARK token (MRK), a utility token used as internal currency. The MRK token enables all users to sell and buy VR units and objects, consume various goods and use services, pay salary to their employees and buy ads to promote their businesses through the platform. GPU-miners who will be rendering VR spaces and objects for the platform’s users will also receive rewards in MRK tokens (POW conception).
Business District
Education District
Community District
Residential District
Shopping District
The platform eliminates social obstacles
Long-distance communication with friends and loved ones has never been easier, as MARK.SPACE removes all barriers between the objective and virtual realities. Express yourself, while making new, useful acquaintances — just like you are used to, in the real world. This is an opportunity to be in any place, at any time.
The platform opens up new business opportunities
MARK.SPACE creates qualitatively new opportunities for retailers, developers, freelancers and investors, using state-of-the-art VR and 3D technologies.
The platform uses advanced technology
The platform is based on the latest VR and blockchain technologies, which have the potential to change the quality of people’s lives. MARK.SPACE is the next level of product use and consumption.
The platform is one-of-a-kind
In this context and realization, project MARK.SPACE has seen no equivalents. Our team’s efforts; our vision, goals and mission, all contribute to the platform’s uniquenes
The platform saves time
Time is money, as they say, which is why it is more profitable to invest at the initial stage of a project launch. This has to do with the fact that the price per 1 UNIT* grows after every 100K UNITS. By becoming an early investor, you will be able to profitably sell your UNITS in the future (or launch your own VR-empire)

The Mark space is built within the blockchain framework of definite planning. This provides and creates the very needed point of achievement when each plan is followed. In 2015 between May-June was ( Mark Space idea formation and concept development), July -September was ( marketing research fundamentals and confirmation of hypothesis) and between October-December of 2015 was (the preparation of all technical assignments development and team confirmation and formation). Thus in 2017 the months of January-May was (the launch of the first functional E-commerce project on the Mark space platform also known as the Fashion E-commerce),then in June 2017 was (the launch of the Alpha application for personal, business and vast community districts),also between June-July of 2017 was ( Concept development of the smart contract decentralized platform known as MARK. SPACE).Hence 2018 January -February is slated for ICO (stage 1), while in April 2018 will witness the start of the virtual estate and UNIT Sale on the platform with month of July 2018 pinned to house the full blockchain implementation. its also good to note that ICO starts on the 23rd of January 2018 with an already raised $6,162,016. Thus, in 2019 within January will be second(2nd) ICO known as stage two (2).Then followed by Business district launch in March and September 2019 will be for distributed rendering. The year 2020 lastly through the months of February will be launch community district and April 2020 will be the (internal advertising network of MARK.SPACE).Hence, more information can be accessed on This will be helpful for the user on an questions they will ask as the response feedback through the site is there to help in such instances.
Learn about MARK.SPACE, watch here:
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Eth : 0x44d86c22BE3671e37f0B7D84CC7f38DAA4F7AD99
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