KRIOS - The Future of Digital Marketing Is Here
Krios is an affiliate network & campaign management platform that incorporates blockchain technologies to help connect businesses seeking promotional and af-filiation activities with influencers who have relevant demographics and profes-sionals who offer relevant services.
The platform focuses primarily on bringing social media influencers, consultants, ad managers, content creators, graphic designers, copywriters, and more together to create cost-efficient advertising campaigns which promote brand awareness, increase organic business growth and encourage brand loyalty. The Krios platform connects businesses with the right affiliates to allow business owners and market-ers to directly influence and attract their target market.
Krios is a viable solution to problems currently facing the digital advertising industry. Through the use of the blockchain and Ethereum smart contract technology, the platform offers a secure and transparent manner for conducting marketing activities, such as creating advertising content or purchasing advertisement space on a web page.
Krios is taking advantage of Ethereum’s smart contract standards to provide all parties involved in advertising campaigns with a fair, transparent, cheap and quick way to coordinate and execute transactions
Krios’ aim is to create a powerful and economical all-in-one solution that caters to diverse marketing needs, whilst maintaining simplicity and ease of use. Krios leads the disruption of a multi-billion-dollar industry by taking charge in providing responsibility and ac-countability, while increasing ROI for advertisers.
Krios’ aim is to create a powerful and economical all-in-one solution that caters to diverse marketing needs, whilst maintaining simplicity and ease of use. Krios leads the disruption of a multi-billion-dollar industry by taking charge by increasing transparency and promoting accountability, while increasing ROI for advertisers.
+ Secure, private and decentralized
+ No more banking or currency issues
+ Smart contracts — work and payment guaranteed
+ Build a full, specialized marketing team
+ Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin all integrated. Spend all on one platform
+ No more banking or currency issues
+ Smart contracts — work and payment guaranteed
+ Build a full, specialized marketing team
+ Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin all integrated. Spend all on one platform
Currently, companies looking for endorsers must contact a third-party manage-ment firm chosen by the influencer, and that firm will need to contact the ce-lebrity to ask them if they are interested in advertising a product. The celebrity or affiliate might not be interested in endorsing, resulting in wasted time and effort on all parts. Additionally, businesses must go through the tedious process of identifying which endorsers are available to contact for promotional activities.
The Krios Platform is the future of digital marketing. It alleviates the aforemen-tioned problems by providing companies with access to a network of talented pro-fessionals who provide value and synergies in all aspects of a company’s marketing campaigns. A platform where businesses of any size can create a full-scale market-ing team specific to their project, and then manage and coordinate the campaign, all at a fraction of the ordinary cost. All transactions are completed on the Krios platform through the blockchain, with one step and one fee of 3%.
Krios offers a simple, streamlined process by which a company sends a request containing information about their product, budget, needs and timeline. Krios then matches the business with approved and registered professionals within the network who will be chosen by the company to complete the tasks given. One of Krios’ main value propositions is the improvement of the channels of communica-tion between the three parties in the advertising model. The Krios Affiliate Network also opens a direct line of communication between the company and a desirable influencer chosen specifically to fit the needs of the business.
Companies can manage and have full autonomy over their marketing efforts di-rectly on the Krios platform through the “Build Your Campaign” feature. Krios saves all parties involved time and money as it connects users looking to sell their endorsement services or other professional capabilities with the business-es looking for them. Business-owners will only be matched with individuals who fit their target demographic, budget, and requirements allowing all parties in- volved to save time on extensive due diligence.
This is all made possible through KriosCoin (‘KRI’) which grants users access to the Krios ecosystem and allows for a secure and transparent method of confirming and conducting the transactions within the platform. KRI is an ERC20 standard token on the Ethereum blockchain that can be utilized as a unit of account between ad-vertisers, publishers, content creators and businesses in a new blockchain-based, digital advertising and services platform. KRI also serve to reward participants in the network by distributing a percentage of the KriosCoins collected from fees in proportion to a user’s participation level during the period.
Whenever a transaction is made, the blockchain can record the time of the trans-action, both the receiving and sending wallet addresses, amount sent, and other important information that is needed to ensure trust and security. Not only is the Ethereum blockchain far less expensive and time consuming than typical online payment processing methods, Ethereum’s smart contract standards allow for a quick and efficient transfer of data and value. Current payment gateways could require up to 16 steps and up to 15 different fees, all of which is eliminated using blockchain technology
Krios is a web and mobile application designed for companies looking to run efficient, success-ful, and cost-effective digital marketing cam- paigns.
The future of online advertising, the Krios platform of-fers companies a network of talented professionals and resources which provide value and synergies in all as-pects of a company’s marketing campaigns and promo-tional efforts. It connects professionals in the digital advertising industry looking to sell their services with the businesses looking for them.
Companies fill out forms and profiles on the platform, containing details about their product or service, budget, needs and timeline. Requests are analyzed in-stantly, as Krios’ matching algorithms present the firm with several professional candidates or companies who fit the requirements of the request.
Firms will have the opportunity to communicate with candidates and select those who will be tasked with creating and publishing the advertising campaign. Once both parties are in agreement, a smart contract is formed on Krios utilizing KRI. The business model is simple; Krios takes a 3% transaction fee for every transaction con-ducted on the platform, with 10% of those fees being redistributed to participants in the network! The rest of the transaction fees are for executing the transaction in a timely and efficient manner, including the gas needed for the smart contracts.
Companies can manage and have full control over their marketing campaign directly on the Krios platform through the “Build Your Campaign” feature.
Monitoring the progress of the campaign is made simple through Krios’ user-friend-ly interface which allows the business to communicate directly with their hired professionals and pay them with KriosCoin through the application.
Campaigns will have their own pages where business-owners can track the work,progress and payments of every contributor as well as have direct lines of commu-nication with every participant in the project individually and as a group.
Krios aims to create a platform whereby small businesses and start-ups can cre-ate the same digital marketing opportunities as large multinational corporations.
Businesses will either send a request whereby Krios will match them with rele-vant professionals that fit their budget, or they can hand-pick the professionals themselves by manually going through profiles in the network.
The first step in building a campaign is selecting which professionals are required.
The Krios Network will also include an affiliates and endorsers section which al-lows for an efficient way to match businesses with endorsers looking to sell their services. This provides companies and endorsers with savings in terms of both time and money, by automating the process and eliminating the large fees charged by middlemen and agents. It also allows companies to better reach their target market.
Companies will have options to choose whether they wish to have 1 large influ-encer endorse their product or service, or if they would prefer several micro-influ-encers. Business-owners will only be matched with individuals who fit their target demographic, budget, and requirements allowing all parties involved to save time on extensive due diligence.
Krios has built up an affiliate network with over 30,000 influencers, who have pro-vided the details necessary to be approved for registration in the Krios network.
Affiliates are encouraged and incentivized to join the network because it increases their exposure and potential for business opportunities. They also save a tremen-dous amount of money utilizing Krios as a middleman instead of an agent or other third-party platform with costly “finder’s fees”.
Companies attempting to leverage social media marketing will no longer need to find an influencer on a particular outlet, and arrange a deal for that particular ser-vice. Influencers could provide services on all platforms; from their blog, to social media outlets and other websites. When an affiliate is registered, their name, lo-cation, follower demographic, estimated reach, follower count, and platforms will all be provided as data to the inquiring business owner. This allows businesses to complete a tedious process that would have otherwise taken several days, within minutes.
KriosCoin (‘KRI’) is an ERC20 standard token based on the Ethereum technology and blockchain. Tokens in the Ethereum ecosystem can represent any fungible tradable good: coins, loyalty points, gold certificates, IOUs, in game items, etc.
KRI grants users access to the Krios Network ecosystem and allows for a secure, private and decentralized method of confirming and conducting all transactions within the network. KRI is a utility token that can be utilized as a unit of account between advertisers, publishers, content creators and businesses in a new block-chain-based, digital advertising and services platform.
KriosCoin will be held both by professionals on the Krios Platform and by busi-nesses to pay for services purchased on the platform. The Krios platform manag-es an internal ledger with the balances of each user’s KriosCoins. Outside of the platform, Krios provides a publicly accessible smart contract for each token, im-plementing the Ethereum ERC20 token standard (external token contract). This allows for KriosCoins to be available for trade on digital asset exchanges.
Users will be able to place their KriosCoin into their Krios Wallet on the platform, which is connected to their registered account. Professionals and businesses de-cide upon the terms and conditions for the services provided through the plat-form. Businesses will be able to pay for services in a secure and efficient manner, without the need to concern themselves of differing currencies, exchange rates, and method of payment. Users and businesses will be able to view their Krios Wal-lets at any time and can verify their balance, history and transaction status directly on Krios.
Using blockchain technology, KriosCoins used as a means of payment for services provided on the Krios platform are logged and confirmed with Krios’ internal ledger. Professionals who wish to provide their services are vetted and Krios determines whether they have the necessary skills and are trustworthy. Professionals on Krios are reviewed bi-annually and must provide verification to prevent fraud or dishon-esty. Companies can rest assured that they need not deal with the potential of bots or companies misrepresenting their reach or numbers, as participants in the Krios Network must go through a full, detailed background check and legitimacy confir-mation. KriosCoins serve as a unit of account for these services, and all KriosCoins will have a transaction history that are easily verifiable.
KriosCoins are also used to reward participants in the network and holders of KRI. 10% of all fees collected from transactions on the platform will be redistrib-uted to participants in the ecosystem. This allows for the network to continue to flourish, as professionals earning KRI, businesses purchasing KRI to make trans-actions, and holders of KRI on the Krios platform, will all be able to earn free KRI, increasing ROI for all participants and incentivizing participation.
With these incentivization properties, the removal of inefficiencies and the fric-tionless manner of conducting business on the Krios platform, Krios’ end goal is to improve efficiency and ROI in the digital advertising industry for all partici-pants. KRI are utility tokens used to transact and participate in the Krios ecosys-tem and do not represent or confer any ownership rights or stake, share or security or equivalent rights. The tokens are not intended to be a digital currency, security, commodity, or any other kind of financial instrument.
Token Details
In order to fund the development and continued growth of the Krios platform and network, an initial token offering will be held. Funds raised will be distributed in accordance with Section 7 of this white paper.
+ Name: KriosCoin
+ Platform: Ethereum
+ Ticker: KRI
+ Creation: KriosCoins (‘KRI’) will be created during a single token creation event and will be distributed during two phases. After both rounds of the token offering, no subsequent KriosCoins will be created. 650,000,000 KRI will be pre-mined during the token creation event. All tokens that remain unsold after the public sale will be burned.
+ Total Token Supply: 650,000,000 KRI
+ Total Sale Supply: 500,000,000 KRI will be available to the public throughout the initial token offering.
+ Reserve: 150,000,000 KRI have been reserved for the Team, Developers, Founders, Angel Investors & Bounty Campaign participants.
+ Accepted Contributions: ETH, BTC & USD
+ Minimum Transaction Amount: 0.04 ETH
+ Platform: Ethereum
+ Ticker: KRI
+ Creation: KriosCoins (‘KRI’) will be created during a single token creation event and will be distributed during two phases. After both rounds of the token offering, no subsequent KriosCoins will be created. 650,000,000 KRI will be pre-mined during the token creation event. All tokens that remain unsold after the public sale will be burned.
+ Total Token Supply: 650,000,000 KRI
+ Total Sale Supply: 500,000,000 KRI will be available to the public throughout the initial token offering.
+ Reserve: 150,000,000 KRI have been reserved for the Team, Developers, Founders, Angel Investors & Bounty Campaign participants.
+ Accepted Contributions: ETH, BTC & USD
+ Minimum Transaction Amount: 0.04 ETH
ROUND 1: KriosCoins will be available for pur-chase on November 17th, 2017 and will continue to be credited until November 30th, 2017 or when the pre-sale hard cap of $650,000 USD is reached, whichever occurs first.
ROUND 2: KriosCoins will be available for pur-chase on January 8th, 2018 and will continue to be credited until Febru-ary 16th or when the ICO hard cap of 500,000,000 distributed KRI is reached, whichever occurs first. Price: 1 KRI = $0.10 USD
Team & Advisory Board (15%) — Although the team already includes several mem-bers capable of taking the Krios Network to the market, team expansion is a prior-ity as Krios looks to expand its development, userbase, and affiliate base. Advisors are essential to any blockchain project looking to navigate the complex and fast-paced cryptocurrency space.
Marketing (15%) — As has been outlined in this document, marketing is an essen-tial business activity which promotes business growth, brand loyalty and expands awareness. A portion of the crowdfunding will go directly to efficient marketing channels which will promote the Krios Network and KriosCoin to the correct de-mographic.
Software Development (40%) — This includes development of the website, the cryptocurrency being developed (KriosCoin), and the Krios platform and network. The majority of the crowdfunding budget is reserved for development (and main-tenance) of the core components of the business.
Business Development (30%) — These funds will be reserved to explore, develop and implement growth opportunities which will attract consumers and influencers to the platform.
+ Q1 2018: KriosCoin initial token offering begins and ends. Funds raised distributed in accordance with crowdfunding distribution section. Krios beta-testing begins. Development of mobile application. KriosCoins will be listed on at least one exchange.
+ Q2 2018: The Krios Network is launched, including all major features and social media outlets. Optimize Krios’ matching algorithms which connects businesses to influencers and marketing professionals.
+ Q3 2018: Krios Loyalty Program established to save repeat advertisers even more money. “Build Your Campaign” fully optimized and released as an allin-one solution for advertisers looking to build effective marketing campaigns. Measure customer satisfaction for each individual providing service on Krios, and allow for businesses to leave feedback for other businesses to view publicly regarding performance.
+ Q4 2018: Growth of userbase and endorsement base allows Krios to offer multiple levels of affiliation/endorsement options. Allow Krios professionals who have worked on projects together to form groups where they can offer their combined services at a discount from the sum of the individual costs. No third-party development companies will be authorized, and users must have past experience in projects on the Krios platform together in order to form a team.
+ Q1 2019: Integrate capacity for Krios users to purchase advertising space on third-party applications and websites, allowing business-owners to not only create promotional content through Krios, but also find space to advertise, while all being paid for with KRI.
+ Q2 2019: Implementation of Krios user ratings, where the blockchain records and confirms feedback from payers of KRI in order to build a trust and reputation system on the Krios platform, for all potential contractors to see
+ Q2 2018: The Krios Network is launched, including all major features and social media outlets. Optimize Krios’ matching algorithms which connects businesses to influencers and marketing professionals.
+ Q3 2018: Krios Loyalty Program established to save repeat advertisers even more money. “Build Your Campaign” fully optimized and released as an allin-one solution for advertisers looking to build effective marketing campaigns. Measure customer satisfaction for each individual providing service on Krios, and allow for businesses to leave feedback for other businesses to view publicly regarding performance.
+ Q4 2018: Growth of userbase and endorsement base allows Krios to offer multiple levels of affiliation/endorsement options. Allow Krios professionals who have worked on projects together to form groups where they can offer their combined services at a discount from the sum of the individual costs. No third-party development companies will be authorized, and users must have past experience in projects on the Krios platform together in order to form a team.
+ Q1 2019: Integrate capacity for Krios users to purchase advertising space on third-party applications and websites, allowing business-owners to not only create promotional content through Krios, but also find space to advertise, while all being paid for with KRI.
+ Q2 2019: Implementation of Krios user ratings, where the blockchain records and confirms feedback from payers of KRI in order to build a trust and reputation system on the Krios platform, for all potential contractors to see
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Eth : 0x44d86c22BE3671e37f0B7D84CC7f38DAA4F7AD99
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