— Platform to verify theonline Products

Technology has been proved itself as a boon as well as curse for humans. It has reduced human efforts but at the same time humans are fooling humans using technology. We can today shop online on various E-commerce sites but there is struggle in identification of fake and real. is introducing its devery protocol based on block chain technology. This protocol allows many retailers, e-commerce owners, brands to certify their products or services. People believe that verification is only limited to physical goods or services but even digital goods needs verification and authenticity. Much application uses this protocol by integrating it with e-commerce sits or other digital services.
What is the project all about? developed an open source protocol using block chain technology based on ethereum network which will be useful in verification services or providing unique signature to any product. Even today traditional people don’t really prefer to shop online because of the lack of quality and originality related to the product. This protocol assures customers by providing particular product or service a verification and legitimacy. The protocol contains three main data structures which work within DeveryRegistry.sol and DeveryTrust.sol. To develop verification applications there no need to thorough understand block chain because protocol works on smart contracts based on ethereum network. The protocol has its own token called EVE tokens which acts as fuel for the platform. Manufacturers, retailers, big brands etc. can use this platform to assign unique signature to its product but they will require EVE token to do that. This unique signature is stored on ethereum network so that whenever needed data could be determined. Protocol also provides verification service for digital goods using EVE tokens.
Problems addressed by the project and its solution
Market today has many big players who have acquired their name in top 10companies in their segments but many other small players misuse this big brand name by manufacturing fake or low quality products using this brand name. These products are called counterfeit products which range from luxury goods to fake goods which can even cause damage to many lives. Thus has developed protocol which will solve this big problem by providing verification to various products and services. Protocol will reduce the amount of counterfeit products manufactured in the market and also will help the customers to recognize the original brands with assured quality. Counterfeit product affects three market players i.e.: The seller, purchaser and mediator so protocol will be proved as benefit for all this three players. It is introduced as an open source protocol for users to experience user friendly environment. The applications are built on the top of protocol to create decentralization in the segment. For eg: Bevery company may use Devery protocol to verify their each and every beverage where they can choose their own framework or use smart contracts.
Entry Verification Engine (EVE)
The protocol uses EVE tokens and this tokens acts as fuel for the platform. For hosting verification applications on devery protocol this tokens are needed. EVE tokens are the means of exchanging services on the platform. Tokens are required to assign unique signature or any verification service on the platform. Any applications built on the top of this protocol runs using EVE tokens which are received by the owner of the application as a fee. Quality assurance is the first thing which any customer requires so this protocol will works as boon for marketers and even customers.
Token sale information
Total tokens are 100,000,000, out of which they will be selling 60,000,000 tokens .The toke sale is divided in to two parts called pre-sales and crowd sale. The pre-sale was commenced on 10th December with 5%discount and crowd sale will be commenced on 21st January 2018. The tokens which will not be sold will be burned.
Token Distribution
People behind the project
Andrew Rasheed, Antoine Najjarin and Chironjit Das are the main people being this project. Andrew founded this protocol because of his own experience with e-commerce space. Behind the project there is well established team who made this project possible.
The whole project is all about providing the product or service with a unique verification so that some fake market players don’t mislead us as customers thus by providing quality assurance and unique signature protocol makes its own place in the market. The protocol has developed decentralized verification platform which makes tracking and marking possible using ethereum based network.
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