Crassula Capital — Maximize Profits With Minimal Risks

About Crasulla
Crassula Capital is a venture Partnership whose objective is to boost benefits with negligible dangers. An accomplice of Crassula Capital means a financial specialist which turns into the proprietor of Token(s) named “Crassula Capital Token” (hereinafter alluded to as “Vulgar”) amid the underlying offering (ICO), and additionally in the event of procurement of Crass on the optional market. Rough gives Partners square with rights amid the whole term of responsibility for, beginning the season of procurement and until the deal (reimbursement) of Crass.
The Initial Crass Offering (ICO) is completed so as to draw in speculators to Crassula Capital.
Financial specialist’s support in ICO implies:
- Concurrence with the terms and states of the offer assention of Crassula
- Capital (hereinafter alluded to as, the “TERMS AND CONDITIONS”),
- Accommodation of an application for the ICO of Crassula Capital,
- Installment for Crass
For interest in the ICO, financial specialists (Partners) get Bonuses (cashback), which are paid in the Ethereum digital money at the finish of the ICO. Notwithstanding the reward program, an abundance publicizing effort exists to advance the ICO. It is intended for the cooperation of outsiders, including financial specialists. No extra discharge of Crass is given. The benefits of Crassula Capital comprise of cryptographic forms of money, tokens, money and valuable metals, as characterized in Crassula Capital’s Investment Strategy. Resources have the market valuation. The market estimation of advantages is open data and can be effectively confirmed by outsiders. The Net Assets Value (NAV) of Crassula Capital is resolved in US Dollars as per the NAV technique figuring. The monetary execution of Crassula Capital is resolved on NAV as of the end and start of the revealing time frame (quarter).
Crasulla Partners
Accomplices of Crassula Capital have the accompanying rights:
1. The Partner is qualified for a stake/share in Crassula Capital relatively to the measure of its Crass and activities this privilege amid the term of ownership of Crass.
2. Accomplices are paid the dispersed piece of the benefit from the expansion in the NAV of Crassula Capital on a quarterly premise.
3. Accomplice can present a speculation proposition to Crassula Capital for its thought. On account of an affirmed speculation by the Management group, the assets of Crassula Capital will be contributed as needs be.
4. The upon ICO finishing and dispersion of Crass, the Partner gets a reward (cashback) for taking an interest in the reward program.
5. The Partner has the privilege to pull back from Crassula Capital by offering Crass on the open market or under Crassula Capital’s purchase back program.

Partnership Guarantees
ICO Regulations
Crassula Capital carries out the initial sale of Crass to investors at the website of the ICO Crassula Capital
The ICO proceeds within 51 calendar days where:
- January 18, 2018 is the first day of receipt of applications and payment for Crass, ICO beginning date
- March 10, 2018 is the last day for receipt of applications, ICO completion date.
- During the entire ICO period the single selling price of Crass is effective. One Crass costs 100 US Dollars.
- Payment for Crass is conducted in crypto-currencies.
- The following crypto-currencies are accepted for payment for Crass: Bitcoin Cass, Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Ripple, f. Monero, Dash, Zcash, Aragon and others.
- Bitcoin, Ethereum are accepted for payment directly, other crypto currencies and tokens are to be converted in online
account with ShapeShift System. - Crass are distributed at the completion of the ICO, based on the amount of funds raised and subject to the minimum
threshold for ICO. The amount of the last one is determined as 10,000 Crass. - In case where less than 10,000 Crass are sold at the completion of the ICO, the ICO will be considered invalid and all funds will be returned to investors after deduction of commissions for transactions.
Distribution Of Profits
The increase in NAV (profit) of Crassula Capital is calculated on the basis of the results of the reporting period (quarter), based on the public data on the activities of Crassula Capital. It is determined by the following formula:
Profit = NAV as of the end of the period — NAV as of the beginning of the period, (in US Dollars, > 0)
The profit distributes as follows:
50% remains in the assets of Crassula Capital, increasing the value of Crass;
25% is paid to partners of Crassula Capital (owners of Crass);
25% goes to the Management Team of Crassula Capital.
25% is paid to partners of Crassula Capital (owners of Crass);
25% goes to the Management Team of Crassula Capital.
How To Invest?
To invest in the project — you need to have one of the crypto-currencies: all investment activities are made only within the personal online account.
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Eth : 0x44d86c22BE3671e37f0B7D84CC7f38DAA4F7AD99
Eth : 0x44d86c22BE3671e37f0B7D84CC7f38DAA4F7AD99
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