DAOSTACK - An Operating System For Intelligence People
Abstract Since firstappearing on the planet, humankind has been constantly inventing new ways to organizeand increase the scale of cooperation with more and more effective structures, from the nuclear family and tribes to states, corporations, and the global economy. The mostadvanced organization thus far, the Internet, opened the door for real-time information exchange at a worldwide scale, but it lacks the economic means for general-purpose coordination and global peer-production. The Blockchain made this possible by providing areliable, open and programmable accounting system, consequently leading to the invention of the Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO). DAOs are open, self-organized networks coordinated by crypto-economic incentives and self-executing code, cooperating around shared goals. Powered by the network effect, DAOs providearevenue modeland incentive for the production of open, shareable resources (such as open-source code and a music file). With the ...